Digital Audio Magazine and Radio Talk Shows

Think about it… Radio interviews are powerful (for the moment. But, afterward, they’re GONE forever. Digital Radio Talks Shows and Audio Magazine ‘Articles’ are THERE forever! That’s the power of audio podcast platforming

The Digital Audio Magazine and Talk Show Ultimate 10-Episode Jumpstart!

This podcast starter package is perfect for the beginning podcaster or the intermediate to advanced interviewer as well as the on-the-go practice or business owner who wants to leverage listenership to bolster existing business ventures.

While there may be time to record episodes, the process of producing, editing, posting, promoting, distributing, etc. is very time-consuming and tedious. Having a podcast producer lets you be the on-air talent, with highly professional and aesthetic episodes and shows, without the work it takes to achieve perfection. It also gives you a virtual team member who isn’t on your payroll!

With this package, you get:


Collaboration on Show Branding, Name, etc. – We assist to give your show a name and identity (or do the entire process for you) including a tagline that describes your show in one sentence to attract listeners.

Show Icon and Tile Designed and Published – This is the “album cover” to your show which will appear in iTunes, Spotiify, iHeart Radio, Audible, YouTube and other podcasting platforms, in your promotion, social media, websites, etc. You get a custom design to make your show stand out and let people judge your “book by its cover” positively. If you have your own internal design, that’s fine, we’ll coordinate with you to make sure it fits the specs of these distribution outlets.

Fully-Written and Produced Opening and Closing Credits with Professional Voiceovers by Pro Artists and Custom Theme Song – This is your chance to shine and where the magic starts to happen. I will write you a custom theme song, compose copy for introduction and closing credits and get professional artists to record. You may also purchase a 3rd-party-licensed theme for a separate fee to the third-party provider.

10 Fully-Edited and Published 15-20 Min Episodes with/without Guests – You get to record 10, fully- edited and produced episodes. This is where I really shine. My editing and compilation skills allow me to make you and your guests sound ultra professional. Mistakes, mishaps and extraneous noises and content are edited seamlessly and you’re left with compelling, interesting content. Your first 10 episodes are crucial, particularly EPISODE ONE, to make your mark and grab interest. But more importantly, 10 episodes will give you enough content that your NEW listeners right after launch will not run out of material to listen to while you build your library. Episodes are suggested to be posted weekly but can be at virtually any interval you choose. Listeners will be compelled by your content and recognize your credibility.


Format Coaching and Cheat Sheet – you will be receiving advice, coaching and “cheat sheets” on how to outline your episode, provide great content and really bring the best and most interesting aspects out of your guests. All you have to do is a brief outline, and then you and your guest show up to our online studio for a Skype audio call and record the interview. I work all the magic, the technical and complicated aspects, while you sit back and reap the benefits, all while sounding awesome in the process.

Using the Podcast to Your Advantage – this is the coaching you need to live and breathe (and have your staff and patients live and breathe) your podcast content and get it broadly distributed. Part of the awesomeness in podcasting is that it is like controlled radio which never disappears.

Tips on monitizing
I broke all the rules and monetized my podcast WAY before “experts” said it could be done and I will pass these tips along to you as we go! There is much to be gained if your head is in the right place and you play your cards right. Having me as your executive producer puts you with one of the better strategic card players!


WordPress Blog-Style Podcast Website – This is a custom website I build for you to house all the info about your podcast show, blog articles you wish to feature have subscriber and social media information, and episode pages, one for each episode which feature episode info, guest data, pictures, backlinks to resources and guest info discussed in the episode, etc. They even feature an episode player which allows visitors to listen to that specific episode, whether they are a subscriber or not. This also enables you to share your episodes using links for situational use where you can direct a patient or prospect to listen to specific content based on an interest, an ailment or conversation you had. This site is a full-blown website, regularly a $995, but is included in this 10+ Jumpstart at no additional charge.

Your Domain for the Podcast Website – This is your web address for the site It is picked based on the name of the show and is usually something like “” This domain is purchased, separately, by you and usually runs on average about $15 per year.

Hosting Your Podcast Website Is Included* – *Hosting of podcast website included while a Broadcast Wellness client and is, otherwise, $10/mo. This means that as long as I am your producer, you host for free and save $120 per year to boot!

YouTube Conversion and Integration – All episodes converted to YouTube format for your channel optimized with descriptions and links. These are audio podcast episodes so your show icon is shown as a still frame in the YouTube video while the audio plays. Listeners can subscribe here in addition to any computer or smartphone or device.

iTunes Approval Submission Process – This is the crucial part of your credibility. One the show is designed and episode 1 is recorded, edited and produced, I take care of the submission to iTunes for approval. This gets you listed on iTunes but also makes your podcast available broadly in a variety of listening platforms including on Windows and Android devices.

Distribution to Major Platforms – Your episodes will each be posted on their own blog page on your WordPress site, (you will have access to embed episodes as you see fit on your other websites) and, mostly, you will be distributed to major podcasting platforms such as Audible, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Deezer, Podchaser, etc etc. Because your show will be a standard RSS feed as any blog is, most podcasting platforms (such as Podbean, etc) should carry your show.

Recordings Storage Site Maintenance – Episodes are published to podcast host platform site. This is just where your recorded episodes live on the internet and from where they are downloaded and played when people tune in. It is just a storage facility and is used by me to bring everything together. Podcast storage hosting charges are a separate fee however, they’re free until storage threshold crossed, with the next level of storage costing only $20 per month.

Promotional Audience Leveraging and Social Media Coaching – You will learn how to promote best using your website, YouTube channel, word of mouth and all your social media, including training of your staff on how to get patients to subscribe, suggestions on how to promote it on your office website, etc. You Podcast WordPress site will be back-linked to your main website too. You will learn how to leverage audiences by getting the attention of others who have large audiences and even interviewing guests who will promote their episode interview and your show too! This includes assistance in integrating your promotion into emailings to clients and even discounted help available to get it done.

Constant Contact Integration = I have a direct partnership with Constant Contact, should you wish to do mailings and either don’t do them or lack a platform on which to do them. I am able to get deep discounts from Constant Contact as well as low monthly rates on storage of mailing lists and email mailings themselves and also have ghostwriting services available to design, compile, write copy and send emails to your lists to promote the shows and even articles of interest we can post on your podcast site and include in the mailings. This is subject to additional fees but is discounted accordingly for being a Podcast Start-Up 10+ member. If you are a current client with me as your producer, you pay only your Constant Contact month fee. I distribute the episodes to your mailing list for free, and you are welcome to mail to that list as much as you like, or have me write content for you for an additional monthly subscription fee.

Podcast Episode Package Deals – Once you have your first 10 complete, you are ready to build it from there with more content, more guests and more blockbuster episodes. As a Podcast Start-Up 10+ partner, and with me as your continuing producer, you will be eligible for deep discounts on episode packages with even lower per episode rates and even periodic rock-bottom deals.

All you need to do is show up for the recordings. Everything else, from editing to posting is done for you. It’s your show and you can focus on being the talent. Let your producer do the rest.