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Corrective Care Patient Retention Email Auto-Series


Patients who are educated over time, at intervals that allow them to absorb it all, building from one concept to the next, start to think like you and of course comply, stay and refer! Now you can get them to think about it constantly!

Giving a lot of education up front is overwhelming and leaves none for when it counts. They should be thinking about it every few days both in and out of the clinic!

I spoke with a doc one time about this concept of gradually sending emails over intervals to new patients and spreading the education out over a length of time. He told me, “oh, yeah, we have that covered with what we send out!”

I wasn’t too shocked to find out it was 1 email sent on the first day and it was filled with everything the patient needed to know and then had a manual attached which gave them an entire book of patient care facts and advices and some confusing information about other modalities.

We fixed this by implementing this 14-email sequence, custom written, to guide patients through the entirety of corrective care and into maintenance, instead of in 1 day, it took us 45.

The FOUR highlight problems this solves are patients who:

  1. JUST DON’T GET what the Relief Phase really means,

  2. FAIL TO REALIZE what correction means to their future,

  3. have LITTLE OR NO BELIEF in reducing or eliminating their problem

  4. HAVE NO CONCEPT of the body’s structure, function and purpose

This is what my Screening Experts ROF Warmup System is all about. Screening people, lecturing to them or sending them communication, I am constantly shifting their view, gradually until it matches yours. That’s why my attendees to my lectures ALWAYS show up, have a complete understanding of what a Day 1 and ROF entails, and have EXTREME INTEREST in the results!

And these emails are worded precisely toward the achievement of that end.

What Does It Cost NOT to Educate Gradually and Constantly?

People who don’t get educated properly AND constantly have undesirable qualities, and at what cost to the practice?

You always knew it cost you, but have you added up the cost of what you lost? Most practice owners “know it in their heads” but have seldom done the actual math on how much all those completed programs would have added up to collectively and compared them with the actual ones where the patient dropped out.

Subtract one from the other and the cost is dear!

It’s in the tens, even HUNDREDS of thousands!

But not so with the Corrective Care Patient Support Auto Series!

Program Features

Patient retention starts with treatment but should also include constant education. This program send out a series of emails to the patient from visit 1 all the way through to maintenance.

14 emails over 6 weeks feature gradual patient education including:

  • First visit information

  • Explanation of relief phase

  • Correction importance

  • Optimum body function

  • How to ensure treatment progress

  • Making life and work hurt less

  • How to refer patients

There are numerous other topics. Your patients hear from you every few days during their treatment.


Why send out a series of emails to new patients (and reactivated former patients)?

This auto-programmed email series provides the benefits of patients:

  • fully understanding BODY FUNCTION

  • becoming SELF-AWARE and knowledgeable

  • realizing that RELIEF is a sign to continue care

  • striving for and achieving FULL CORRECTION



  • wanting to HELP OTHERS achieve correction

  • REFERRING PATIENTS to your practice

This program allows you to stay at the top of patients’ minds and make them a much higher percentage more likely to continue care to the end. It also makes for solid patients who think like you do, understand and observe the way you do, and act accordingly by complying and referring others.

Patient Retention Program Cost

$1,249* 1-Time Fee

Select Stock or Custom

(*preset program only. For additional customization and additional added emails, $299 customization fee applies)

Cost NOT to Do the Patient Retention Program

Thousands in visits never attended and collected. Patients who drop out of care amount to thousands of lost billable visits, uncollected. Count the cost of your average case visit underage and subtract it from the case value. Then multiply it by the average number of incomplete treatment plans. You will quickly see.